Write down your goals (1 month, 3 month, a year & lifelong) and send a picture of them to your mentor.
1. Make sure you download the apps:
A. zoom , B. Whatsapp , C. Telegram Messanger D. Shakepay
2. Plug into the chat list that the person who enrolled you will send you & participate in the chats.
A. Family, B. Trade Talks, C. Individual Team Chat D. News
3. Also Check out our weekly Schedule!
As a new person:
The biggest key is to build a schedule.
When building a schedule figure out what you can plug into around YOUR schedule. Crypto leverage, exchange, brand new & NFTs are all on go live.
Tutorial sessions, Mindset & Chairman Training Zoom Links/Call links will all be dropped in chats.
If you miss a call don't worry about it all go lives are pre-recorded
4. Follow Some of the Top Individuals in Our Academy: