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Leverage Trading Crypto


Phase 1 (First 72 hours)

Step 1:

Set up & Create Broker Account

Step 2:

Depositing Money to your broker

Step 3:

How to take Leverage Ideas From Swipecoin

Step 4:

Risk Management 

Step 5:

Take the "Learn Digital Currency Leverage Series" in the IM Center Academies section.

Step 6:

Learn how to use Swipecoin Scalper

Step 7:

Join Aces for more Leverage Ideas


Phase 2 (Consistently)

Step 1:

Plug into go lives, take ideas live with experts and make money. Under "Crypto Leveraged" on the Schedule.

Step 2:

Learn from the best.

Step 3:

Back test Strategy: hop on sessions with Aces, Drop your mark ups in trade talks & apply knowledge given.

Step 4:

Create a Trading Plan

Step 5:

Continue Taking Ideas from Swipecoin, the scalper, live sessions, & Aces.

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